POLYPAVE COURT SHIELD introduces a patent-pending crack prevention method tailored for new concrete or asphalt sports courts. Developed in 2022 after extensive testing over ten years, this innovative system covers the entire surface of courts from the beginning, aiming to preemptively address potential cracks. The goal is to lessen the future need for costly crack repairs.

With a focus on protecting courts from cracks and damage, the POLYPAVE COURT SHIELD formula seeks to enhance the longevity and appearance of court surfaces. It's designed to improve the overall condition of the playing area, keeping in mind the importance of safety and playability for athletes and recreational users.

The system aims to offer a practical solution for maintaining courts, recognizing the challenges outdoor courts face.

POLYPAVE COURT SHIELD is about providing an effective approach to help extend the life of sports courts and simplify their upkeep.


With years of experience in the industry and a dedicated team of experts, we recognized the need for a solution that goes beyond temporary fixes. Our idea was not just to repair but to revolutionize how we protect and enhance outdoor recreation courts. Thus, POLYPAVE COURT SHIELD was born - an innovative crack prevention system, which even at a fraction of the cost, challenges the durability and effectiveness of post-tension concrete, designed to safeguard new asphalt or concrete courts from the inevitable damage caused by time and nature.